Friday 21 June 2013


Reflection is a highly recommended yoga technique for one on the path of Self growth.
Technically it is a Swadhyaya process, in  Niyama the 2nd limb of the Ashtanga yoga.
Swa + Adhyaya means Self + Study.

·        For Reflection sit preferably in Vajrasana or any other meditative posture with spine upright.
·        In this process remember in 10 minutes, the day’s events in a chronological order as they occurred in the last 24 hours. 

·        The idea is JUST to browse through the occurrences ‘ As it happened’ without analyzing, judging or evaluating. From first to the next… to next… to next… Essentially avoid jumping back and forth the situations of the day. 

·        If there was any emotionally challenging event it may happen initially that the mind lingers around it most of the time seeking completion and the time may extend beyond 10 minutes. OR in a hurry to run through the whole day the reflection may get over in 4/5 minutes. Do it consistently every day, and you will master the time precision!

·        Benefits:
1.      Develops objective attitude
2.      Facilitates unwinding of the day
3.      Establishes Orderliness
4.      Increases Mindfulness

Reflection can also be done for self training. It would be self talk to prepare own self for any challenging situation. It may be adopted at various times in a day. Eg
to recap a meeting after the meeting is over,
to prepare yourself by conforming how you are going to pose yourself at respective situation,
to avoid the triggering moments…

Reflection, the powerful tool:

Does your mind linger around the event in the past when you felt hurt, ineffective or weak? Perhaps you are weaving the threads of conversation, enacting it over and again… Your mind is trying its best to complete the story that is over in time zone but not in the psychological reference.

Address this entanglement by witnessing the event in chronological order without analyzing, judging or evaluating. Do it daily for 10 minutes in your travel time. Browse through the whole day’s story in 10 minutes not more, not less.

-New Age Yoga

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