Saturday 15 June 2013

The Yama & Niyama

Anusandhaan 5:  The Yama & Niyama

The thinking of the common man has to progress from being raw and instinct driven. It is fine for an animal to fight for its meal. The story is fixed and continues for its entire life span. And the animal does it relentlessly. This is not for man. 

Man takes up anything for results, enjoyment and recognition. Whether it is education, job, marriage, or family life…It has to be of the best. So, each strives to achieve more. So, the story of the common man unlike the animal never finds a logical end because the definition of best keeps changing. This is not for a Yoga student.

The highest possibility is clearly defined and that is Moksha the ultimate liberation. The Yama & Niyama lay a solid foundation of self discipline for this. These lay discipline in social and personal life and so are of primary importance in the practice of self growth.  

The Yama & Niyama bring in clarity to the achievement drive of the common man. 

When these qualities are nurtured the consciousness moves beyond the animal drive of food, clothing, shelter and sex; is able to see through the situation and discriminate. Just as the animal body needs food to sustain, the human mind needs Yama & Niyama to function in balance and uplift itself.
Yama are the don’ts that establish cordial social skills. It allows a person to relate in right spirit with his/her fellow-beings. These mean to not cause harm, stealing, indulgence, possessiveness and practice of truthfulness while dealing with others.  Niyama are the do’s that establish personal skills for self growth. These are personal practice tools -to practice cleanliness oneself, to feel contentment, commitment, to retrospect carry self study and to surrender to higher power realizing human limitation. These are the basics that provide logical end to the story of the common man.

-New Age Yoga

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