Thursday 13 June 2013


Anusandhaan 4:   Intelligence

That brings us to the function of Intelligence- Buddhi. It is ability to think & follow, perceive, observe and discriminate. These are the muscles of the Buddhi. These too, are seen through the actions that are positive or negative. The misdirected intelligence will cause negative thinking, wrong ideals, misunderstanding, craving, poor or low thinking. On the positive side the Buddhi is, 

Discipline arrived at by following what my call is at this moment, Knowledge arrived at by perceiving sensory input, Detachment arrived at by being objective spectator, and Discrimination is the viveka channeling the right action.

Our intellect functions on logical thinking or reasoning. Logical thinking is based on three factors. First, pratyaksha or sensorial input that is gathered by oneself; One wants, and believes in the data that he/she has seen with own senses. We often get into an argument purely because I SAW. And we reach extremes to prove it.

Then the second factor is anumaan or inference. The inference is drawn by comparing information. We often label something/someone to be in a good/bad character based on our past experience or based on someone’s similar experience. But just the inference is not enough; it has to be validated…! …that is done by an authority. It could be a book, scripture, parent, friend, expert, or someone whom we trust. 

Validation is an endorsement by ‘The recognized authority’. That brings us to the third factor Aagama. The Yogasutra says , above all the authorities mentioned here, the authority of one’s own past experience is the most determining authority. The word Aagama in Sanskrit means arrival; it therefore, represents the arrival of the mind. The arrival of the mind is the conclusion of the mind which is the highest authority- It gives or does not give validity to an inference. We know individuals who took revolutionary actions in the history…, or we deny expert opinion to go by own discretion…, or we are carried away by temptations… All these are caused by arrival of the mind.
So, what we call the functioning based on our intelligence is based on one hand, on the sensorial data collected by one-self and on the other, the conclusion/arrival of the mind. The sensorial data collection may/may not be full proof. The mind is generally a cheater many times taking us for a ride. It functions so swiftly that it has to be dealt with highest and continuous alertness to catch itself.

Here is some observation to be made now:
1.      Make a list of opinions/labels/judgments you have made in your life. Explore into the sense data collected; inference drawn; and validating authority of each.
2.      Identify the agama of the mind in day to day experiences. 

-New Age Yoga

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